Gefyr Cool & Energy is a new company build upon years of experience in the cooling business. The founder, Anders Lind, has worked with it all – installation, service, deployment and support – to project management during his 35 years in the business.

His career took off in 1981, when he became an apprentice at a local cooling company. And in 1982, he educated himself to a cooling engineer at Utbildning Nord in Övertorneå, Sweden. After a few years in the business, he became the co-founder of Kylmontage & Service, where he later became the CEO. He took the company to a new level by opening branches in the Swedish landscapes of Norrbotten and Västerbotten.

Parallel to the expansion of Kylmontage & Service, Anders started Green & Cool in the town of Luleå. The company is considered as a pioneer within sustainable cooling and the development of CO₂ based chillers. Green & Cool made a true mark in the field of cooling technology and in the year of 2010, it was acquired by the global group UTC. Today, the manufacturing of Green & Cool’s chillers is made in UTC’s plant in France. But the competence, experience and quality-thinking are well-preserved in Gefyr Cool & Energy and is considered the base of our work. 
